The 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy
We are pleased to announce that the 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Microscopy will be held at Makuhari Messe (Chiba, Japan). The conference will be held from June 3 (Mon.) to June 5 (Wed.), 2024. We intend to offer lectures on a wide range of topics, from basic microscopy to applied microscopy. We look forward to your active participation.
The theme of this year's scientific lecture is "Microscopy, Connecting People, Fields, and Scales".
The significance of microscopy as a fundamental technology across diverse studies cannot be overstated. As microscopy methods evolve and diversify, we transition from isolated microscope usage to a collaborative era of cutting-edge shared facilities. This pivotal shift will be accentuated by uniting researchers from multifarious disciplines, facilitating groundbreaking advancements in microscopy, all achieved through the power of "connections."
In addition, since this year's conference will mark its 80th anniversary, we hope that this conference will be a catalyst for the future development of microscopy.
At this year's conference, we continue to invite a wide range of abstracts, especially for the general lecture sessions, as we did last year, and we are planning an international symposium for young researchers to foster their young development. In addition, we hope to make the conference more international by introducing machine translation in some rooms and creating an environment in which non-native speakers of Japanese can actively participate.
As a public interest organization, we will also hold an open lecture for the public (June 2) to convey the beauty of microscopy to junior and senior high school students, who will lead the next generation.
The location of this year's conference, Makuhari Messe, makes it relatively easy to access, so we hope that many students and researchers who have never attended a microscopy conference before will be able to participate, and we hope that microscopy works as a central hub to connect researchers in various field.
- Shigeo Okabe, President of the Japanese Society of Microscopy
Masahide Kikkawa, Chair of the 80th Annual Meeting